مهدی کاوه
Mehdi Kaveh
DPU | Delivered at Place Unloaded

DPU | Delivered at Place Unloaded

Published at 2020-06-17

DPU | Delivered at Place Unloaded

DPU (named place) INCOTERMS 2020

DPU means the goods are delivered and the risk is transferred from the seller to the buyer when:

  • The goods are made available at the disposal of the buyer,
  • Discharged from the vehicle bringing the goods to the named place,
  • At the named place or the exact location within the named place (if such a point is defined).

In this rule, the location at which the risk is transferred from the buyer to the seller and also the location up to which the seller is responsible to arrange and pay for transportation costs are the same.

    What you really need to watch for:

    • This rule can be used for any mode of transportation.
    • In this rule, the seller is responsible to unload the goods from the vehicle at the named place, so it is important for the seller to make sure he/she can arrange for safe and sound unloading of the goods at the named place.
    • It is important the both parties agree on the exact location within the named place of destination as precisely as possible as this exact location is where the risk is transferred from the seller to the buyer and also the location up to which the seller has to pay for the  transportation charges.
    • The seller is responsible to clear the goods for export from the country of origin and also clear the goods for transit of the goods in the countries the goods move through to reach the country of destination, however, the seller is not responsible to clear the goods for import at the country of destination and also if applicable, transit of the goods from the entrance port or customs at the country of destination to the named place.
    • As mentioned above, the seller is not responsible to clear the goods for import at the country of destination, however if owing to customs complications, the goods is stopped at an entrance port or customshouse before the named place, the buyer is responsible for the risk of loss or damage to the goods from the time the process is stopped till the time the process is resumed again.

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